EXTRACTS: Analog Cinema Experience | Autumn 2020

07.04.2020 // The cinema is a special place to show films. Particularly in the context of those “live moments” during film festivals, the cinema becomes a social space, and is an integral part of the “festival feeling”. That is why it is immensely important to us that festival films from this year’s CROSSING EUROPE program will be screened in cinemas at a later date. Considering the nature of the current situation it would be overly confident to give concrete dates at this point in time, however we want to announce those films that will be shown at some point in autumn 2020, in both Linz and Vienna. For this we also want to give our sincerest thanks to our events partners.

Tribute VALIE EXPORT during the Ars Electronica 2020 (in cooperation with VALIE EXPORT Center LinzArs Electronica/AECLandesgalerie LinzLentos KunstmuseumMoviementosixpackfilm and Kunstuniversität Linz) | 9 to 13 September 2020

- Local Artists short film program 2020 in the Upper Austrian Culture Quarter, including a Nightline and film awards (in cooperation with OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH and CREATIVE REGION Linz & Upper Austria) | Autumn 2020

- Crossing Europe films in the City-Kino, every Tuesday at 6 pm (in cooperation with Moviemento / City-Kino and various events partners, such as AK OÖ/Kulturafo architekturforum oöHOSI Linz, and others) | Autumn and winter 2020

- Premieres of festival films at the Moviemento Sommerkino (in cooperation with Moviemento) | Summer 2020

- Films from the Night Sight at the eleventh /slash film festival in Vienna (in cooperation with the /slash film festival) | 17 to 27 September 2020

Spotlight MARK JENKIN in the Austrian Film Museum in Vienna (in cooperation with Österreichisches Filmmuseum| Autumn 2020